Monday, December 31, 2007

Carpe Diem!

GATHER ye rosebuds while ye may,
Old time is still a-flying
These are the opening lines from a poem by Robert Herrick. I read them and I think Carpe Diem! It brings home to me that all we have is time and that time is this precise moment of my existence. Time is then tied into memory as we measure one experience with another. These are our pearls...experience and movement.

What of the movement of my mind? My mind is energy and energy is movement. Therefore I have to think to move my mind. I have to want to use it, stretch it, to be movement and change. How I think determines how I live and perceive life…my reality. My choice is to be conscious or not. The gathering of rosebuds for me is the gathering of information to learn the truth of me. To move from the static information to dynamic knowledge can only be so when it is lived; put into action and become a part of my experience and memory. Spiritual Philosophy offers these tools.

I look back over this year and see the moments where I have lived in a lazy mind and then see clearly when I moved my mind and the difference is as night and day. Overall though, with all the ups and downs that make up life, 2007 has been a good year of learning for me and I feel the change in my energy as my mind shifts. This shifting and learning has opened to deeper levels of knowledge and with this comes a greater sense of excitement about life...about creating.

As I let go of one physical marker of “time” (2007) and move into another calendar year I think Carpe Diem! To seize the day and live with my mind open, questing, sensing and connected to my heart. When I close my eyes at night I want to know that I lived to my potential and left the day better than when I greeted it. I wish the same and more for all..

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