Friday, February 29, 2008

Mr Buckley, I miss you

I was watching the Daily show the other day and Madeline Albright was Jon’s guest. I was so impressed with her that I decided I would buy her new book. Yesterday I bought Madeline Albright’s book and Tolle’s latest book as well. Tolle’s book is so I know what my clients are reading. I tried to read it last night and just could not bring myself to focus instead I got into the “President Elect” and began to read political material. I have become much more involved politically than I have in the past (in this country)…involved in my mind and emotions and seeing the larger picture…or trying to. I have always been interested in history and how the thinking of the times has shaped our world. I find it fascinating to see how we have moved ourselves as society, locally and globally, through time. Plato said something along the lines of when we ignore politics we agree to be governed by fools. We have the privilege of having our voice count through our vote in this country.

Our internal working of this country is in disarray and this energy is reflected out the rest of the world. The world is run amok! It is Ego at full throttle if you wish. The energy is negative and change has to happen before we all create major destruction on all levels. As a registered Democratic voter, I really feel that Hillary is the person to bring these changes about more so than Obama. Not because of gender or race or anything in between, but because of her foreign policy experiences. I feel we have to think globally and integrate all because none of the issues are separate. Albright’s book points out a lot of these issues and it would be just great for all people who are going to vote, read this book with an open mind.

I feel that there has been a lot of “dumbing down” of voters and I hear people voicing their support for various candidates in all parties, and not really being able to say why with any depth. Some people appear to be globbing on to the “identity” of candidates as a way of defining themselves. A lot of people appear to not want to think and stand on their own if it looks like they are out of step with the popular crowd. Why is this? Are we afraid to truly think further than what we are told? Why are we afraid to think for ourselves and speak out with thoughtful questions to the candidates well rehearsed rhetoric? Are we afraid that we will be judged as “wrong?” I am sure that any candidate worth their salt would welcome questions that allow them to define their thinking...rather than rhetoric.

I listen to moderators and interviewers and wonder if they are just rattling cages to be difficult and contrary to create a story where none really existed? So far I have not really heard any true questions of depth that would require candidates to voice their own thoughts and feelings. Hillary has done this fleetingly and has been slammed by the talking heads for doing so. I end this morning with this thought...Mr Buckly, I miss you!