Monday, October 8, 2007

Healing neuropathy with Neural depolarization, nutrition, spiritual philosophy

A brief background:
In 1975 I was a fit and healthy person when I left my native land of New Zealand and was hitchhiking through Europe. After about eighteen months of this I was on my way to Africa. I had to have vaccinations in order to take up a teaching position in Rhodesia (now known as Zimbabwe). One of the vaccination serums used was contaminated and I ended up with a virus that chewed away at the myelin sheath in my legs and arms and my right kidney was also affected. My weight dropped off me, my gait became unsteady and my balance gone once I closed my eyes and lost my visual markers. The muscles in my legs began to atrophy and I was conscious that the nerves were also being affected because the chemical messages sent by my mind to move were not completing the circuit and I could feel the sensory responses short circuiting. It was not a pretty sight nor comfortable to be in my skin. My tremors made eating interesting! The medical opinion at the time was that I had a couple of years before I would require a wheel chair so they offered me a bunch of cortisone pills in the hopes it “knocked out” the virus. I had many diagnoses and not liking any of them I “settled” for Peripheral Neuritis as it sounded less ominous than others.

Fast forward 25 years. I am healthy and have no atrophy. My nervous system is in fine working order. How did this happen? In the intervening years I have used exercise, visualization, Acupuncture, Physical Therapy, Rolfing, “energy” work such as Reiki and Healing Touch, massage and varying methods of body work, and nutrition (organic and from the earth and nature) as my method of healing my physical body. Our family motto of “Think yourself well and you will be” played a large part in my recovery. When I met up with Kathy Oddenino I still had nerve damage, a little pain and atrophy was noticeable. I credit her with my full recovery as she gently coxed my nerves to awaken using Neural Depolarization™ (NDP™) therapy. No other therapy I experienced came anywhere close to my experience with NDP™. I recall my excitement when I could walk on the beach and actually feel the sand under my feet! And actually fit shoes correctly because I could feel the shoe and not just guess and hope for the best.

It was a full package deal. Thoughts, Air, Food Water were all examined. One thing that was consistent in my approach was that the foods be organically grown and the water be clean (non fluorinated or chlorinated) and with minerals from the Earth, so I was conscious of quality and quantity. This physical side of my healing was enhanced and expanded with the beautiful spiritual energy pouring into my nervous system from the NDP™ work and with the Spiritual Counseling I was able to stretch and engage my mind to understand my dual soul lessons from the neuropathy. The nutrition supported the energy work and opening my mind completed the circuit to full healing.

The first few sessions of NDP™ were most uncomfortable as my “frozen” nerves came “back to life” and if you can try to imagine very cold hands or feet placed in hot water and discomfort of feeling the nerves return to life, this was the sensation I experienced. I was actually excited about this as it meant the nerves were alive and responding. My entire body began to feel very different and over the years

I continue to have this work done as it helps keep the nerves healthy and therefore all of me. Within a few sessions my neuropathy was noticeably changed. So here I am now fit and healthy and settled in Chatham County. I attribute the quality (quantity yet to be determined!) of my life to learning to “Know Thyself” through Spiritual Philosophy as the science of life, taught by Kathy Oddenino, ( and for the healing energy of Neural Depolarization™. I continue to study with Kathy and live and share this knowledge through my own experience and my practice.

Raewyn Cooper, MS, CSPP, CNDP


Kris said...

Do you know of anyone who does this in Massachusetts?

Thank you,

Raewyn said...

Hi Kris,
sorry so long in responding to your querry. The short answer is No. This therapy is taught by kathy Oddenino ( I suggest you also go to
or go to for further information. I am happy to speak wiht you if you wish.